Why are Calls Going Straight to Voicemail Without Ringing



At one time or another, we have all looked down at our phones and noticed a notification for a missed call and a new voicemail. But when did your phone ring? You may ask “Did the phone go straight to voicemail” without me even noticing? You didn't hear it; you didn't even see any incoming calls. Missing calls can be incredibly aggravating if you keep missing important calls. If you do not have "do not disturb" turned on, the issue may be that the company that called you is using a system called "ringless voicemail."

So, if you keep asking “why is my phone going straight to voicemail” of late, it’s probably by design. Let's keep reading to learn if this is why your phone calls are going straight to voicemail and to research if there might be some other reason this is happening.

Most Common Reasons for Unknown Numbers Going to Voicemail



Most Common Reasons for Unknown Numbers Going to Voicemail



Several common reasons are that your cell phone may silence unknown callers and send them straight to voicemail. Let's look at some of the most common reasons that this happens so that you can conduct your troubleshooting to fix this problem.

• Call blocking or call forwarding is turned on. Both reasons may cause any or all phone calls to be sent to voicemail. Simply visit your phone settings to see if your phone lists any blocked numbers or blocks unknown phone numbers or spam calls. Then, you may turn this option off if you like. Once turned off, your phone should announce any calls that come through.

• Do not disturb mode, also known as "DND," is turned on. This feature is also accessible in your settings app. Turn this option off to continue receiving phone calls like you are used to.

• Your Bluetooth connections are confused as to which device they should connect to. This may happen if you are unknowingly connected to a Bluetooth device. Your phone may be ringing but you cannot hear it because of the Bluetooth device. To fix this issue, swipe down from the top of the screen if you are an android phone user or up from the bottom of the screen if you are an iPhone user, and turn off your Bluetooth.

• Airplane mode is on. As the name suggests, this mode is mainly used to prepare for a flight. While on, any radio-frequency signals, such as voice and data services, are suspended. Visit your settings phone app and turn the airplane mode off.

• Your service provider is experiencing a network problem. Though we frequently argue about which provider is better (AT&T, Verizon, etc.), it is a fact that all providers will experience issues at one time or another. You may have to move to another area with better service to solve this issue. You may consider calling your provider for troubleshooting advice if the problem persists.

• Your SIM card has shifted. A shifting SIM card happens with all devices, whether you use a Samsung or an iPad. However, this is usually a straightforward fix you can do yourself. Simply turn the phone off, take the SIM card out, and put it back in. Then, try restarting your phone. If the problem persists, you may have to visit your service provider and purchase a new SIM card.

•The person who left the voicemail is using a system known as "ringless voicemail." Most people are not even aware that companies can do this, but this system holds many benefits for the company. Chances are, you have received at least a few of these calls and have experienced ringless voicemail already! But what exactly is ringless voicemail?

What is Ringless Voicemail, Exactly?



What is Ringless Voicemail, Exactly?



Simply put, ringless voicemail by Slybroadcast allows your business to call your clients directly to their voicemail. You can reach thousands of messages straight to your contacts' voicemails in only a few minutes. Simply prerecord the message you want to send, and choose the recipients you would like to send the messages to from your contact list. Then, you can schedule your voicemail message to be sent out whenever you want.

What are the Benefits of Ringless Voicemail through Slybroadcast?



What are the Benefits of Ringless Voicemail through Slybroadcast?



Besides the fact that you will be able to reach thousands of your clients in a matter of moments, there are several other benefits that you will be able to enjoy through our service. Through the Slybroadcast app, you will be able to check on the status of current campaigns and record new messages to be sent out, all from the convenience of the iPhone or Android that is already in your hand.

With Slybroadcast, you can also track any campaign's success in real-time. This will allow you to see how well your messages are doing and which ones get the most responses. In turn, the information you can glean from these campaigns will be able to help you in future campaigns. You will see which script performs the best and which ones fall a little flat.

Even More Benefits for Your Company!



Ringless voicemail through Slybroadcast is one of the most cost-effective engagement marketing strategies. Rather than paying someone to dial each number individually and stay on the phone with your customers, this process is mainly automated. You may want to assign script writing to someone, but other than that, you need to select which contacts you would like to send your message to. Rather than paying an entire team to manage customer outreach, it can be done more effectively for a fraction of the cost!

Additionally, most of your customers will highly approve of your choice to use ringless voicemail. Very few people enjoy marketing calls from companies, and most do not want to be stuck on the phone talking to one of your representatives. On top of that, everyone is busy these days and has little time to answer calls from unknown numbers. With ringless voicemail, you can reach many clients without the risk of annoying them with actual phone calls.

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